To get started, call us at (904) 823-3333 or complete the Quick Contact form on the right-hand side of this page. When calling, please be prepared to provide (i) full legal names, including any aliases or former names, of the interested, related, or adverse parties; (ii) contact information; and (iii) a very basic description of the legal matter without divulging specific or confidential information.
After providing this information, our law firm’s policy for prospective client matters is that we will return your call within 24 hours, excluding weekends, to discuss how we can help. Please keep in mind that our attorneys are typically in conference, court, or otherwise unavailable without advance notice, and we therefore appreciate your patience in the timing of our returned phone call.
Lastly, please be aware that an Agreement for Representation must be executed prior to the commencement of our representation.
At Jackson Law Group, we strive to efficiently and effectively approach each client matter. We try to evaluate our client’s objectives along with the legal and non-legal aspects of the situation to achieve a net positive result.
Legal services are rendered on either an hourly fee, flat fee, or contingency fee basis. Unless the matter is taken on a contingency fee basis, a retainer deposit is first required prior to the commencement of representation. For certain types of legal matters, there is no charge for an initial consultation. These circumstances must be discussed before attending the initial consultation.
If you are an attorney interested in co-counseling or a professional looking to refer a client, thank you for your interest in our law firm. We look forward to working with you. The above policy is for every new prospective client matter. Please contact us to get started.